Other Additives
Pectic Enzyme
Used to reduce the hazing effect of pectin when using real fruit in your beer, wines, or meads. Mix 1/2 tsp per gallon with cold water and add to product. Enzymes denature above 150° Fahrenheit (approximately) thus if you are doing any heating of your product add them after the product has cooled.
$2.99 - $13.49
Potassium Metabisulfite Campden Tablets - 100 Count
Contains potassium metabisulphite & is a convenient way to accurately sulphite wine. Each tablet contains 550 mg of active sulphite per tablet. 1 tablet in 1 gallon will provide about 75ppm Two crushed tablets equal 1/4 teaspoon. 100 tablets Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Potassium Metabisulfite
Potassium Metabisulfite is a common additive used to preserve and stabilize wines, ciders, and occasionally beers. When added to wine or must, it forms sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). This prevents most wild microorganisms from growing and acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting both the color and delicate flavors of wine. Potassium Metabisulfite solutions are also used as sanitizing rinses for winemaking equipment. Recommended usage: Dosage varies when used to kill wild bacteria in must, halt fermentation, or preserve finished wines against oxidation. The addition of ¼ teaspoon of potassium metabisulfite to 5 gallons contributes approximately 50 ppm of free SO2. To make a sanitizing rinse for equipment, dissolve 8 teaspoons of potassium metabisulfite into 1 gallon of water. High concentrations of sulfur dioxide gas are irritating and toxic, so use in a well ventilated area. After applying the solution to your equipment, the items must be rinsed with clean, cold water.
$3.50 - $11.99
Potassium Sorbate
Potassium Sorbate dissolves completely in wine to prevent yeast from fermenting. This product will not stop an active fermentation. It is typically used prior to bottling to prevent carbonating your wine. Use 1/2 tsp. per gallon.
$3.99 - $69.99
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
Gypsum adds hardness to soft brewing water. Brewers that use distilled water like to add some gypsum back into the water to give it some hardness. Gypsum can also be used to lower the pH of water. Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons.
$1.99 - $14.99
FT Blanc Soft Wine Tannin
Wines made with FT Blanc Soft are characterized by softness and improved mouthfeel. White and rosé wines made with FT Blanc Soft have enhanced texture with a perception of sweetness on the palate. Even relatively small dosages can contribute to minerality in wines. Similar improvements can be seen in fruit and mead wines. When used at start of fermentation it protects against oxidation. Recommended for: Whites, Rosé, Red, Fruit, Cider, and Mead Mix thoroughly. Add 3 weeks+ before bottling. Use 0.2–0.6 g/gal. This colorless white wine tannin is derived from Gall Nuts.
$1.99 - $6.99
Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride (hydrated) is used to correct mineral deficiencies in water which is to be used for brewing. It is used in de-mineralized or soft to medium hard water to increase permanent hardness. Calcium Chloride is effective in eliminating the variations in composition often encountered in water from surface sources. It will help establish proper pH of the mash and the wort and provide sufficient calcium ions essential for enzyme function, kettle protein coagulation and yeast metabolism. 1 tsp. of Calcium Chloride per gallon adjusts water hardness by 297 ppm Ca2+ and 531Cl-.
$2.49 - $17.99
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium carbonate is used to reduce the acidity of wine. It does not require cold-stabilization to force complete precipitation, as does potassium carbonate. However, calcium carbonate is more likely to affect the flavor than potassium carbonate, and may take a few months to fully precipitate. One-quarter ounce (about 4 teaspoons) of calcium carbonate reduces acidity in one gallon by about 0.25%. Foaming may occur because of the production of CO2. Do not use more than one ounce per gallon. Wait 24 hours and rack wine. Calcium carbonate is also used in beer to increase the temporary hardness of water. Traditionally used in English stouts, pale ales and bitters.
$2.49 - $14.99
Potassium Metabisulfite Campden Tablets - 25 Count
Contains potassium metabisulphite & is a convenient way to accurately sulphite wine. Each tablet contains 550 mg of active sulphite per tablet. 1 tablet in 1 gallon will provide about 75ppm Two crushed tablets equal 1/4 teaspoon. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Sorbistat K (Potassium Sorbate)
Sorbistat K (Potassium Sorbate) ensures against renewed fermentation in wine when residual sugar is added post fermentation. Use .5 to .75 grams per gallon (125-200ppm) with 50ppm of metabisulfite. Safety Data Sheet
$3.49 - $19.99
Tannin FT Rouge
Scott’TanTM FT Rouge is a proprietary tannin specifically formulated for the North American market. It is a blend of highly reactive tannins derived from exotic woods and chestnut. The addition of FT Rouge at the beginning of red wine fermentation helps preserve the grapes’ natural tannins so they can combine with anthocyanins to create optimal stable color. Mouthfeel is also enhanced. FT Rouge provides anti-oxidative protection and will inhibit oxidative enzymes (such as laccase) associated with browning. To Use: Gradually sprinkle FT Rouge directly on grapes at the crusher or add to the must during a pump-over to obtain good homogenization. If subsequent additions of FT Rouge are desired, this can be done in increments of 0.5 lb/1000 gal (63 ppm) during pump-overs. If an addition of FT Rouge (or FT Rouge Soft) is made post-fermentation, we recommend waiting 3-6 weeks after the tannin addition before racking, fining, filtering or bottling. Storage: Dated expiration. Unopened the shelf life is 5 years at 18ºC(65ºF). Once opened keep tightly sealed and dry. Recommended for use with: Red, Fruit Recommended Dosage: Red Vinifera Must: 200-500 ppm || 20-50 g/hL || 1.6-4.0 lb/1000 gal Red Non-Vinifera Must: 300-600 ppm || 30-60 g/hL || 2.4-5.0 lb/1000 gal Fruit: 200-500 ppm || 20-50 g/hL || 1.60-4.0 lb/1000 gal Tannin Source: Chestnut Hardwood FT Rouge Tannin additions are highly beneficial during rot management for red wines as they act as an antioxidant and help minimize the damage from laccase.
$2.79 - $10.99
Potassium Carbonate
To reduce titratable acidity by 0.1%, add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of must prior to cold stabilization. Will not give wine a chalky taste. Wine must be refrigerated for several weeks after application. Tartaric acid will drop out as potassium bitartrate. It is recommended to test on small amount first.
$1.99 - $6.99
Kerry FermCap S, 0.5 fl oz
Kerry FermCap® S is a unique emulsion of dimethylpolysiloxane. It is an extremely effective, surface active agent that prevents foam formation during fermentation by reducing surface tension. Reduced foaming increases fermentation capacity and prevents mess, improves alpha-acid utilization and CO2 recovery, and prevents hazes due to collapsed foam. Because of the novel behavior of FermCap®, it completely adsorbs onto the yeast, vessel walls, and filter media. No FermCap® remains in the finished beer.
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts)
Added to mash water to lower pH and increase sulfates. Increases perception of hop flavor and hop bitterness. Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) are a standard component of "brewing salts" mixtures to approximate the Burton-On-Trent brewing water. Usage: Varies depending on base water chemistry. Use up to 1/2 tsp per 5 gallons. 1 gram per gallon adds 103 ppm sulfate, 26 ppm Magnesium. Chemical name: Magnesium Sulfate, MgSO4
$1.39 - $3.99
Sodium Metabisulfite
Sanitizer - use 2 oz per 1-Gal of water. Antioxidant & bactericide - use 1/4 teaspoon to 6 gallons. Dissolve sulphite in warm water before adding.
$2.99 - $9.99
Wine Conditioner, 500ml
Combination of sugar and potassium sorbate used to give residual sweetness to a fermented wine; use up to 125ml per 5 gallons of wine. Wine must be stabilized before adding wine conditioner.
OptiRED® is a unique natural yeast preparation that has undergone a refining process to obtain a high level of polyphenol-reactive cell-wall polysaccharides. Using OptiRED in the must provides early polysaccharideavailability for complexing with the polyphenols as soon as the polyphenols are released and diffused. This early complexing results in red wines with more intense colour, rounder mouthfeel and better tannin integration. OptiRED can be used alone or in conjunction with oenological macerating enzymes. Mix with water and add at start of fermentation Use 1 gram per gallon Informational Sheet Link
$2.29 - $8.99
Pectic Enzyme Solution
Pectic enzyme solution increases juice yield and destroys haze-causing pectin cells. Pectin is the milky gel that holds a fruit's fiber together. All fruits contain pectin. Add Pectic Enzyme to crushed fruit to increase the extraction of body and color from the pulp during the primary fermentation and during pressing. Refrigerate after opening. Dosage Rates: 0.075 mL – 0.175 ml per lb. of fruit 0.375 mL – 0.875 mL/5 gallon batch 2 ounce size repacked by Home Fermenter®
$4.99 - $44.99
Burton Water Salts
Many English commercial breweries use Burton Water Salts to harden the water, which helps Irish Moss work better to coagulate haze-producing malt proteins, and the harder water also helps provide a crisper hop character. The magnesium provides a vigorous fermentation, and the salt adds an illusion of body to the finished beer. Use 1 to 4 teaspoons per 5 gallons. If you are doing partial or all grain brewing, add at the start of the mash, or add at the start of the boil for extract brews.
$1.49 - $4.99
Lallzyme EX
Specially formulated enzyme preparation for improved color intensity and stability, greater mouthfeel, and enhanced fruity, floral, and spicy flavors in red wine. Dissolve .1 g in 10ml of water per gallon of must. Add to must prior to fermentation. 0.8 gram or 8 gram packages.
$2.39 - $6.99
OptiWHITE® is a specific natural yeast derivative with high antioxidant properties. Its application in white wines is patent pending. Using OptiWHITE on the juice at the beginning of fermentation results in rounder mouthfeel and greater aromatic complexity in white wines. As its unique properties protect against oxidation of phenols and aromas, OptiWHITE contributes to better color preservation and the aromatic freshness of white wines. Mix with water and add at start of fermentation Use 1.9 gram per gallon Information Sheet Link
$4.49 - $19.99
5.2 pH Mash Stabilizer
Excellent for all-grain brewers who don't own pH meters. This takes care of it for you. Adjusts your mash pH up or down to the perfect position-5.2, at which point you will get better sugar extraction and flavor development. Highly recommended for all-grain brewers.
Five Star Kettle Defoamer, 2oz
A Concentrated Defoamer for Microbrewery Kettles & Fermenters.
Potassium Bicarbonate
Acid reducing powder. Lowers acidity levels. 3.8g per gallon will reduce acidity by roughly .1%. Wine must be refrigerated for several weeks after application. Tartaric acid drops out as potassium bitartrate. Test first on a small amount.
$3.49 - $8.99
Tannin Complex
Tannin Complex is a proprietary cellaring and finishing product. It is a blend of proanthocyanidic (exotic woods) and ellagic (oak) tannins. It enhances structure, aids color stabilization and provides antioxidant protection. It is less reactive and more polymerized than some other tannins, thus it integrates well and provides balance. It is particularly useful in wines with up-front fruit or where smooth tannin structure is lacking. Recommended for: Cellaring tannin for red wine Recommended Dosage: Prior to barrel aging red wine: 50-300 ppm || 5-30 g/hL || 0.42-2.4 lb/1000 gal Prior to bottling (3-6 weeks): 30-100 ppm || 3-10 g/hL || 0.24-083 lb/1000 gal Directions for use: During transfer or racking add Tannin Complex into the wine, mixing well for homogeneity. Additions may be made during the first 2-3 rackings, followed by organoleptic evaluation. Final additions should be made 3-6 weeks before bottling to allow for complete polymerization and settling. Allow a minimum of 24 hours before tasting the results. Packaging and Storage: Dated expiration. Unopened the shelf life is 5 years at 18ºC (65ºF). Once opened keep tightly sealed and dry
$1.99 - $6.99
Phantasm Powder
Take Your Beers Tropical Bouquet to The Next Level 50-200x Boost in Thiols When Used with Thiolized Yeast Strain Contains Thiol Precursors Derived From Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Grapes Maximize Flavor and Aroma with Cutting Edge Brewing Technology Phantasm helps you unlock unreal natural flavors in your fermentation. Derived from the legendary Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Grapes, Phantasm is a Thiol precursor powder that in the right fermentation conditions will unlock large amounts of free thiols like 3SH bringing tropical, passionfruit aromas to your beer. Thiols pair exceptionally well with Esters and Terpenes and can bring depth and complexity to a range of styles including IPA, Lagers and Mixed Fermentation. For best results, add Phantasm during the whirlpool at rates of 1 – 2 lbs per bbl (1 – 2.5 oz per 5-gallon batch) and ferment with a thiolized yeast strain. Phantasm will bring a touch of fermentables to your beer, around 0.3°P (1.0012 SG) alongside a slight pH drop. Ingredients: Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc GrapesCountry of Origin: New Zealand Recommended Thiolized Yeast Strains: Omega Yeast - Cosmic Punch Ale (OYL402) Omega Yeast - Lunar Crush Lager (OYL403) Omega Yeast - Star Party Ale (OYL404) Omega Yeast - Helio Gazer Ale (OYL405)
$4.49 - $41.99
Copper Sulfate (1%)
Some homewinemakers will treat wine affected with H2S by stirring with a copper rod or racking through a copper "scrubby". Copper converts the the hydrogen sulfide into copper sulfide, which is not soluble in wine. After a few days the wine is racked off the copper sulfide which by that time has precipitated down to the bottom of your vessel. However, putting wine in direct contact with a non-measured amount of copper can result in residual copper being left in your wine, especially in low pH environments.A more professional approach to the reduciton of Hydrogen Sulfide is to use a measured amount of copper sulfate in a 1% solution. Normally a trial is set up to determine the least amount needed to eliminate the problem. Because the amounts used are very small, it will be necessary to use a pipette.Add the correct amount of copper sulphate in small .1 ppm doses. Wait several days for the copper sulfide to settle out and then rack off the lees. Do not add copper sulphate during an active fermentation as it may actually cause more hydrogen sulfide to form. If you detect hydrongen sulfide or "rotten egg" smell during fermentation, it is a sign of poor yeast nutrition. Add the recommended amount of Fermaid K for the amount of yeast you used to correct this issue - it should keep you from having to use the copper later!
Reduless is a specialized, copper-infused inactivated yeast for treating negative Volatile Sulfur Compounds (H2S, DMS, etc) in wine. Dissolve .4 to .6g in 6 ml of water per gal of wine. Add immediately to the wine while stirring. Rack or filter after 72 h.
$2.49 - $7.99
Tannin Riche Extra
Tannin Riche Extra was specifically developed from 100% American oak. This proprietary tannin contributes nuances similar to Tannin Riche but with heightened perception of vanillin oak character. It works well in conjunction with low doses of other tannins (Tannin Complex, Tannin Estate, FT Blanc). Tannin Riche Extra can help smooth a wine’s finish. To Use: Dissolve Tannin Riche Extra in about 10 times its weight of warm water (35-40ºC/95-104ºF) then add it to the wine and mix well. Good homogenization is important. Final additions should be made at least 3 weeks prior to bottling. After additions, proceed with normal racking. Storage: Dated expiration. Unopened the shelf life is 5 years at 18ºC(65ºF). Once opened keep tightly sealed and dry. Recommended for use with: Finishing tannin for red and white wine Recommended Dosage: White Wine: 50-100 ppm || 5-10 g/hL || 0.42-0.83 lb/1000 gal Red Wine: 50-200 ppm || 5-20 g/hL || 0.42-1.6 lb/1000 gal Allow a minimum of 24 hours before tasting the results.
$4.99 - $16.99
CellarScience® LiquiBody
LiquiBody by CellarScience is a specialized, pre-liquefied Gum Arabic preparation that adds body and perceived sweetness while stabilizing color and smoothing tannic astringency. LiquiBody is made from high molecular weight polysaccharides which adds the perception of sweetness without having to stabilize residual sugar in your wine. The ability to add body and a little perceived sweetness has many applications. LiquiBody helps keep anthocyanin color compounds in solution, preventing them from precipitating out in the bottle. It is also particularly useful to help keep tartrates in solution when cold stabilization of white wine is not possible. Features: Adds mouthfeel and body to wines, seltzers, ciders, etc. Adds perceived sweetness without the concerns of adding residual sugar Helps lock in color by keeping anthocyanins in suspension in red wines Reduces the formation of tartrate crystals in white wine Makes bubbles in sparkling wine rise slower enhancing the appearance Popular UsesLiquiBody works really well in hard seltzers to add body and a slight sweetness. LiquiBody is added to sparkling wines to improve mouthfeel while increasing the appearance and fineness of the bubbles. Add perceived sweetness to any wine in your lineup to appeal to a larger portion of the population. FilteringAdd after rough filtration is finished and before or after sterile filtration. LiquiBody is suitable for use with a sterile membrane filter if your wine is very clean and you have prefiltered. If your wine is not prefiltered, and you already suspect you may have issues with sterile filtration, do not use LiquiBody. Dosage:LiquiBody is stabilized with potassium bisulfite which will add less than 1 ppm of SO2 into your final wine. Use: Add 0.75 to 5 mL per gallon. Perform bench trials to determine optimal usage or start with a dosage of 2 mL per gallon and adjust as needed on future batches. Works best at a temperature range between 50-68ºF and a pH of 4 to 5.5. Additional Notes:Once opened, partial bottles of LiquiBody should be refrigerated and used within 30 days. If a container is left open for longer than the suggested use, you can add 1000 ppm of SO2 to extend its life span.
$1.99 - $19.99
Lallzyme C-Max
C-Max's unique combination of pectinases allows for a rapid clarification and de-pectinization of white juice. To use sprinkle slowly in to your juice and mix thoroughly. Dosage rate is 0.06 grams per gallon.
CellarScience® Easy Sur Lie | Boost Body & Richness
All the benefits of Sur Lie aging without the risks Luxurious, soft mouthfeel Perfect for your big body whites Helps reduce browning Produced from yeast cells and considered an SIY (especially inactivated yeast) CellarScience Easy Sur Lie offers all the benefits of doing a sur lie aging without the risk. Sur lie aging, often also referred to by the French term Battonage, is the process where wine is left on the original lees. or yeast, at the end of fermentation. Battonage specifically refers to the process of stirring lees back into solution over a few weeks to add body and richness to the wine. Exactly how it is done depends on the winemaker. Some choose to leave the wine on the gross lees while some choose to remove the wine quickly from the gross less and then stir up a clean version of the remaining yeast that settles out. Either way, there is some risk in this process of extracting some flavors you don't want while also potentially adding unwanted oxygen into the wine. During Sur lie the yeast cells are breaking down, releasing peptides, mannoproteins, and anti-oxidant amino acid proteins, and other yeast cell compounds. These compounds add that luxurious, soft mouthfeel to wine that is so desired. CellarScience Easy Sur Lie adds these compounds into the wine without having to take the risk and time/cost of doing an actual Sur Lie aging and stirring protocol. Easy Sur Lie also has some extra benefits. It helps prevent the formation of mercaptans, reducing potential sulfur compounds that can mask the full potential of your wine. It also functions as an antioxidant. Yeast at the bottom of naturally carbonated beer bottles is long known as an antioxidant that helps keep packaged beer fresher longer. Easy Sur Lie in your wine works in a similar way, supporting SO2 to help ensure freshness and reduce browning reactions. Can be added at the end of fermentation and throughout the aging process. Use:Mix 1.5 g per gal (0.4 g per liter) for best results. Add at the last stages of fermentation or early in aging for the furthest integration and best results.
$2.99 - $19.99
Lallzyme Cuvee Blanc
Create greater mouthfeel and complex aromatics when doing a cold soak with white grapes. Minimum contact time is 4 hours, with 6-12 hours best. Keep must below 55°F and add 50ppm SO2 addition crush. Use .1 grams per gallon of must.
TROPIC THUNDER Tropical Flavor Enhancer
Unique amino acid blend activates Ehrlich pathway causing beer and wine yeast to produce tropical flavors Contributes complexity to beer styles like Hazys where tropical flavors are desired. Pairs perfectly with CellarScience HAZY Yeast Contributes tropical complexity to Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier wines when used in conjunction with CellarScience CITRUS Wine Yeast Enhance tropical flavors in your beer or wine with CellarScience Tropic Thunder. By changing the amino acid mix you feed your yeast you can influence the final flavors yeast produce. To understand why, we have to first explain the Ehrlich pathway which was discovered over 100 years ago by German Biochemist Felix Ehrlich. Yeast absorbs and breaks down a specific set of amino acids very slowly over the course of fermentation. The yeast cells incorporate the amino group into their cell structure, leaving an alpha-keto acid. This acid is turned into fusel alcohol by the yeast and then returned back out into the wort. This production of fusel alcohols via the breakdown of specific amino acids is called the Ehrlich Pathway. FOR BEERFusel alcohol may scare you as a brewer... we get it, you are trained to avoid these! But certain fusel alcohols actually have a really positive effect on the final beer flavor. The idea behind CellarScience Tropic Thunder is we have selected specific amino acids that when fed to your yeast will result in the production of a small amount of fusel alcohols that contribute to the tropical flavors of mango, pineapple, and coconut. Tropic Thunder nutrient is often used to help create complexity in hazy IPA, but feel free to use it in any style where tropical flavors would be welcome—you are only limited by your imagination! FOR WINETropic Thunder is perfect for Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier and other select styles where tropical fruit flavors are part of your vision. In addition to selecting a thiol releasing yeast strain such as CellarScience CITRUS, Tropic Thunder can help bring complimentary tropical fusel flavors via the Ehrlich pathway. As a part of the overall mix, along with thiols and terpenes, the complexity of Sauvignon Blanc or Viognier is enhanced. Tropic Thunder can also be used in select Chardonnays or any white wines where tropical mango and pineapple flavors are desired. When added at the rate of 0.6 to 2 grams per gallon, Tropic Thunder contributes 3 to 12 ppm of YAN. When using CellarScience FermFed or FermFed DAP Free nutrient blends to power your fermentation, we recommend adding Tropic Thunder on top of these additions. USEFor beer or white wine add 0.6 to 2 gram per gallon (0.15 to 0.5 grams per liter) directly into the fermenter at the start of fermentation. Perform bench trials to determine optimal usage or start with a dosage of 1.2 g per gal (0.3 g per liter) and adjust as needed on future batches.
CELLARTAN F Fermentation Tannin
Add to Red Wine Fermentation on the skin Binds with anthocyanins and stabilizes color Improves mouthfeel and body Mix of both ellagic and proanthocyanidin tannins CellarTan F is designed to be added to red wine fermentations where it binds color, improves body and mouthfeel, and softens the overall tannin profile. Used during the early stages of fermentation when anthocyanins are being released from the grape skin in the presence of alcohol and need to be stabilized for long term color retention. CellarTan F is a combination of ellagic tannins and proanthocyanidin tannins. Ellagic tannins are hydrolysable oak tannins that break down in wine. They react with grape skin derived phenolics to form flavono-ellagitannins which are hybrid compounds that play a key role in color stability while also softening the mouthfeel of your wine. Ellagic tannins also have potent antioxidant properties that reduce the need for SO2. Proanthocyanidin tannins, or condensed tannins, also contribute to color stability, taste, and mouthfeel. Through polymerization, anthocyanins cap the end of tannin chains to form stable color throughout the life of your wine. They also increase the body and structure of wine. USEDissolve 0.2 to 2 g per gallon (0.05 to 0.5 g per liter) in juice or water. Add to must at least 30 min after any SO2 addition and mix well. If you are unsure where to start within the suggested range, we recommend a dosage of 1 g per gallon (0.25 per liter) and adjust as desired on future fermentations.
$3.99 - $19.99
CellarScience® Killazyme | Inhibits Lactic Acid Bacteria
Prevent volatile acidity in fermentation before it happens Add at first signs of a problematic ferment to help limit the production of volatile acidity Avoid a malolactic fermentation (MLF) in White Wines Use as an insurance policy during barrel aging of Red Wines to reduce the risk of volatile acidity CellarScience Killazyme is a lysozyme that is used to control and inhibit gram-positive lactic acid producing bacteria including Oenoccoccus, Pediococcus, and Lactobacillus. This is a tool winemakers can use throughout the winemaking process to limit bacteria contamination and the production of volatile acidity. Killazyme does not affect gram-negative Acetic Acid bacteria nor yeast. Don’t Use Killazyme If You Are Coinoculating Yeast and MLWhen performing a “secondary” malolactic fermentation (MLF) we want lactic acid Bacteria to convert the harsher malic acid into lactic acid. Mostly MLF fermentations are done sequentially with the sugar fermentation being completed first followed by the MLF fermentation second. If you are doing a co-inoculation of yeast and lactic acid bacteria during the primary ferment, do not use Killazyme. Use Killazyme to Prevent Volatile Acidity in FermentationKillazyme can be added at the start of fermentation to limit lactic acid bacteria before it happens. Under certain situations lactic acid can use sugar or citric acid which it converts into acetic acid and volatile acidity. Killazyme is effectively used at the start of fermentation when you know or suspect a slow to start fermentation. This might be a result of a cold soak or those ferments relying on native yeast. Once your yeast starts to rip, the potential action of lactic acid bacteria is greatly suppressed and the need for Killazyme is reduced. At the back end of fermentation, slow, struggling fermentations caused by various reasons, such as temperature or high sugar, can cause bacteria to consume sugar and citric to produce acetic acid and volatile acidity. Additionally, if lactic acid bacteria fully converts the available malic acid the bacteria can pivot to sugar and citric product volatile acidity. In a problem ferment where the yeast are already struggling, volatile acidity acts as a double whammy suppressing yeast activity even further. If you suspect a problem finish, based on past experience or current conditions, Killazyme is a great tool to add at the start of fermentation Use Killazyme at First Signs of Problem FinishKillazyme can also be added at the first signs of a problematic ferment to help limit the production of volatile acidity. This reactive addition requires a heavier dosage than a preemptive addition as there is most likely volatile acidity already present. Use Killazyme to Avoid MLF in White WinesWhen fresh, crisp white wines are desired, Killazyme can be added at the start of a white wine fermentation, or at any point in tank or barrel, to block lactic acid activity and prevent MLF. We still always recommend a sterile filtration for commercial whites before bottling to prevent a later MLF in the bottle. . Killazyme is also great if you are going to be blending whites where one white went through and MLF and the other white did not. Barrel Storage Protection of RedsAfter MLF is complete and you storing wines in barrel Killazyme is a great insurance policy to reduce the risk of volatile acidity. Use: To Delay Malolactic Fermentation: Red Wine - add to grapes at 100 - 200 ppm, or 0.38 - 0.76 grams per gallon. White Wine - Add to must at 200 - 300 ppm, or 0.76 - 1.14 grams per gallon. To Block Malolactic Fermentation: White Wine - Add to must or wine at 300 - 500 ppm, or 1.14 - 1.90 grams per gallon. Stabilizing Wine After MLF is Complete: Add to barrel during storage at 250 - 500 ppm, or 0.95 - 1.90 grams per gallon. When Blending Partial and Complete MLF Wines: Add immediately after blending at 300 - 500 ppm, or 1.14 - 1.90 grams per gallon, to reduce the risk of further malolactic fermentation (MLF). Within several days any lactic should expire. For Sluggish or Stuck Yeast Fermentation: Red Wine - Add at 150 - 400 ppm, or 0.57 - 1.52 grams per gallon. White Wine - add at 300 - 500 ppm, or 1.14 - 1.90 grams per gallon. You can make a 10% solution of Killazyme in water (100 grams per liter of water). However, we find the easiest method is to add the desired dry weight of Killazyme in 5x its weight of warm (tepid) water. Mix for one minute, allow this mixture to stand for 45 minutes and add to must, juice or wine while mixing well. Allow 24 - 48 hours for reaction to complete.