Liquid Beer Yeast
1056 American Ale
Very clean, crisp flavor characteristics with low fruitiness and mild ester production. A very versatile yeast for styles that desire dominant malt and hop character. This strain makes a wonderful house strain. Mild citrus notes develop with cooler 60-66°F (15-19ºC) fermentations. Normally requires filtration for bright beers. Flocculation: Low-MediumAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 60-72F, 15-22CAlcohol Tolerance:11% ABV Styles: American Amber Ale, American Barleywine, American Brown Ale, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Stout, Braggot, Brown Porter, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Cream Ale, Dry Stout, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Russian Imperial Stout, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Strong Scotch Ale, Wood-Aged Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A07 Flagship - Imperial Yeast
Commonly referred to as "Chico" this yeast is a craft brewing standard, loved for its extremely clean character. This strain performs well at standard ale temperatures, but can be used in the low 60s to produce exceptionally crisp ales. Flocculation is in the middle of the road and will typically require filtration or fining to achieve crystal clear beers. Specifications: Temperature Range: 60–72F (16–22C) Flocculation: Medium-Low Attenuation: 73-77% Alcohol Tolerance: 12% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1084 Irish Ale
This versatile yeast ferments extremely well in dark worts. It is a good choice for most high gravity beers. Beers fermented in the lower temperature range produce a dry, crisp profile with subtle fruitiness. Fruit and complex esters will increase when fermentation temperatures are above 64°F (18°C).Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 71-75%Temperature Range: 62-72F, 16-22CAlcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV Styles: American Barleywine, Baltic Porter, Dry Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, Imperial IPA, Irish Red Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Other Smoked Beer, Robust Porter, Scottish Export 80/-, Scottish Heavy 70/-, Scottish Light 60/-, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Strong Scotch Ale, Sweet Stout, Wood-Aged Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1318 London Ale III
Originating from a traditional London brewery, this yeast has a wonderful malt and hop profile. It is a true top cropping strain with a fruity, very light and softly balanced palate. This strain will finish slightly sweet. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 71-75%Temperature Range: 64-74° F (18-23° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: American Amber Ale, English Barleywine, English IPA, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Mild Oatmeal Stout, Old Ale, Scottish Export 80/-, Scottish Heavy 70/-, Scottish Light 60/-, Southern English Brown, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Standard/Ordinary Bitter, Sweet Stout We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1272 All-American Ale (American Ale 2)
With many of the best qualities that brewers look for when brewing American styles of beer, this strain's performance is consistent and it makes great beer. This versatile strain is a very good choice for a house strain. Expect a soft, clean profile with hints of nut, and a slightly tart finish. Ferment at warmer temperatures to accentuate hop character with an increased fruitiness. Or, ferment cool for a clean, light citrus character. It attenuates well and is reliably flocculent, producing bright beer without filtration.Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 72-76%Temperature Range: 60-72F, 15-22CAlcohol Tolerance: 10% ABVStyles: American Amber Ale, American Brown Ale, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Stout, Blonde Ale, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Wood-Aged Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A38 Juice - Imperial Yeast
The go-to for juicy, hazy, NE IPAs. Hardly a one-trick pony, it can also be a great choice as a house ale strain. Juicy. Fruity. Juice is the go-to strain for hazy, juicy New England style IPAs. The ester profile of Juice brings out the aromas and flavors of the new school hops and creates a beer that is greater than the sum of its parts. Resulting in a beer that is at once round in mouthfeel but retains a nice sharp citrus edge. Keep an eye on this strain, it likes to move to the top of fermentation and will climb out the fermenter if too full. This strain has demonstrated the need for higher wort dissolved oxygen (DO) levels than most ale strains. Target 20-25 ppm DO or set the oxygen regulator flow to 50% higher than normal. Specifications: Temperature Range: 64–74F (18–23C Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 72-76% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1028 London Ale
A rich mineral profile that is bold and crisp with some fruitiness. Often used for higher gravity ales and when a high level of attenuation is desired.Flocculation: Medium-LowAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 60-72F, 15-22CAlcohol Tolerance: 11%ABV Styles: Brown Porter, Dry Stout, English Barleywine, Foreign Extra Stout, Mild, Northern English Brown Ale, Old Ale, Robust Porter, Russian Imperial Stout We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2565 Kolsch
This strain is a classic, true top cropping yeast strain from a traditional brewery in Cologne, Germany. Beers will exhibit some of the fruity character of an ale, with a clean lager like profile. It produces low or no detectable levels of diacetyl. This yeast may also be used to produce quick-conditioning pseudo-lager beers and ferments well at cold 55-60°F (13-16°C) range. This powdery strain results in yeast that remain in suspension post fermentation. It requires filtration or additional settling time to produce bright beers. Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 56-70° F (13-21° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: American Wheat or Rye Beer, Berliner Weisse, Biere de Garde, Cream Ale, Dusseldorf Altbier, Fruit Beer, Kolsch, Northern German Altbier, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3787 Belgian High Gravity
A classic strain for brewing Belgian dubbel or Belgian tripel. This Abbey strain produces a nice balance of complex fruity esters and phenolics, making it desirable for use in other Belgian style ales as well. A flocculent, true top cropping yeast (additional headspace is recommended), that will work over a broad temperature range. This strain makes a great Belgian style house strain. Formerly named Trappist High Gravity. Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 74-78%Temperature Range: 64-78°F, 18-25°CAlcohol Tolerance: 11 to 12% ABV or higher Styles: Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Tripel, Biere de Garde We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3068 Weihenstephan Wheat
The classic and most popular German wheat beer strain used worldwide. This yeast strain produces a beautiful and delicate balance of banana esters and clove phenolics. The balance can be manipulated towards ester production through increasing the fermentation temperature, increasing the wort density, and decreasing the pitch rate. Over pitching can result in a near complete loss of banana character. Decreasing the ester level will allow a higher clove character to be perceived. Sulfur is commonly produced, but will dissipate with conditioning. This strain is very powdery and will remain in suspension for an extended amount of time following attenuation. This is true top cropping yeast and requires fermenter headspace of 33%. Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 64-75°F (18-24°C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: Dunkelweizen, Fruit Beer, German Hefe-Weizen, Roggenbier (German Rye Beer), Weizen/Weissbier, Weizenbock We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1968 London ESB
A very good cask conditioned ale strain, this extremely flocculant yeast produces distinctly malty beers. Attenuation levels are typically less than most other yeast strains which results in a slightly sweeter finish. Ales produced with this strain tend to be fruity, increasingly so with higher fermentation temperatures of 70-74°F (21-23° C). A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete. Bright beers are easily achieved within days without any filtration. Flocculation: Very HighAttenuation: 67-71%Temperature Range: 64-72F, 18-22CAlcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV Styles: English Barleywine, English IPA, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Fruit Beer, Mild, Old Ale, Southern English Brown, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Standard/Ordinary Bitter, Wood-Aged Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1728 Scottish Ale
Our Scottish ale strain is ideally suited for the strong, malty ales of Scotland. This strain is very versatile, and is often used as a house strain as it ferments neutral and clean. Higher fermentation temperatures will result in an increased ester profile. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 69-73%Temperature Range: 55-75° F (13-24° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 12% ABV Styles: American Barleywine, Baltic Porter, Braggot, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Foreign Extra Stout, Imperial IPA, Old Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Russian Imperial Stout, Scottish Export 80/-, Scottish Heavy 70/-, Scottish Light 60/-, Strong Scotch Ale, Wood-Aged Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1007 German Ale
A true top cropping yeast with low ester formation and a broad temperature range. Fermentation at higher temperatures may produce mild fruitiness. This powdery strain results in yeast that remains in suspension post fermentation. Beers mature rapidly, even when cold fermentation is used. Low or no detectable diacetyl.Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 55-68° F (13-20° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 11% ABV Styles: American Wheat or Rye Beer, Berliner Weisse, Biere de Garde,Dusseldorf Altbier, Kolsch, Northern German Altbier We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A10 Darkness - Imperial Yeast
Brewers love this yeast strain for dark beers. Its high alcohol tolerance makes it a go-to for big beers. A beautiful strain for stout, porter, brown, and amber ales. Darkness produces a unique character that matches up perfectly with roasted and caramel malts. This strain is alcohol tolerant, so don't hesitate to throw high gravity worts its way. Specifications: Temperature Range: 62–72F (17–22C) Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 71-75% Alcohol Tolerance: 12% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1332 Northwest Ale
One of the classic ale strains from a Northwest U.S. Brewery. It produces a malty and mildly fruity ale with good depth and complexity. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 67-71%Temperature Range: 65-75° F (18-24° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: American Amber Ale, American Brown Ale, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Stout, American Wheat or Rye Beer, Blonde Ale, Fruit Beer, Imperial IPA, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Sweet Stout We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A01 House - Imperial Yeast
The best of both worlds, House is clean and allows malt and hops to shine. This strain is extremely versatile and flocculent enough to drop out of the beer quickly. Best used in American IPAs but works well in English style ales. House is clean at cold temperatures with increased esters as fermentation temperatures increase. Specifications: Temperature Range: 62–70F (17–21C) Flocculation: High Attenuation: 73–75% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3711 French Saison
A very versatile strain that produces Saison or farmhouse style beers as well as other Belgian style beers that are highly aromatic (estery), peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpected silky and rich mouthfeel. This strain can also be used to re-start stuck fermentations or in high gravity beers. Flocculation LowAttenuation: 77-83%Temperature Range: 65-77°F 18-25°CAlcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV Styles: Belgian Blond Ale, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Biere de Garde, Saison We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1098 British Ale
This yeast allows malt and hop character to dominate the profile. It ferments dry and crisp, producing well-balanced beers with a clean and neutral finish. Ferments well down to 64°F (18°C).Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 73-75%Temperature Range: 64-72 F, 18-22CAlcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV Styles: Blonde Ale, English Barleywine, Northern English Brown Ale, Robust Porter, Scottish Export 80/-, Scottish Heavy 70/-, Scottish Light 60/- We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2308 Munich Lager
This is a unique strain, capable of producing fine lagers. It is very smooth, well-rounded and full-bodied. A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete. Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 70-74%Temperature Range: 48-56° F (9-13° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 9% ABV Styles: Classic Rauchbier, Doppelbock, Eisbock, Maibock/Helles Bock, Munich Dunkel, Oktoberfest/Marzen, Traditional Bock, Vienna Lager We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3724 Belgian Saison
This strain is the classic farmhouse ale yeast. A traditional yeast that is spicy with complex aromatics, including bubble gum. It is very tart and dry on the palate with a mild fruitiness. Expect a crisp, mildly acidic finish that will benefit from elevated fermentation temperatures. This strain is notorious for a rapid and vigorous start to fermentation, only to stick around 1.035 S.G. Fermentation will finish, given time and warm temperatures. Warm fermentation temperatures, at least 90°F (32°C), or the use of a secondary strain can accelerate attenuation. Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 76-80%Temperature Range: 70-95°F, 21-35°CAlcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV Styles: Saison We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A43 Loki - Imperial Yeast
Norwegian Voss Kveik Strain. Highly versatile, can be used in a wide variety of beer styles. A traditional Norwegian Kveik strain that has an extremely wide fermentation temperature range. This strain has been traditionally used in Norwegian farmhouse style beers however, due to it’s fermentation temp range can be used in a variety of beers from pseudo lagers, Belgian inspired, and hop forward beers. The possibilities seem endless when fermenting with Loki. On the cool end of the range Loki is super clean; producing little to no esters. On the high end of the fermentation range, 85-95F, it tends to produce a huge fruit ester profile. Specifications: Temperature Range: 65–100F (18–38C) Flocculation: Medium-High Attenuation: 75-85% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A04 Barbarian - Imperial Yeast
Commonly referred to as the Conan yeast strain, it's ready to attack your IPA. Barbarian produces stone fruit esters that work great when paired with citrus hops. Barbarian will give you what you need for an exceptionally balanced IPA, leaving a nice round and full-bodied mouthfeel. Specifications: Temperature Range: 62–70F (17–21C) Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 73–74% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A09 Pub - Imperial Yeast
Beloved and highly flocculent British ale strain. Well suited for a variety of beer styles. Brewers swear by this strain to achieve super bright ales in a short amount of time. One of the most flocculent brewer's strains around, Pub will rip through fermentation and then drop out of the beer quickly. Pub produces higher levels of esters than most domestic ale strains. Be sure to give beers made with Pub a sufficient diacetyl rest. Specifications: Temperature Range: 64–70F (18–21C) Flocculation: Very High Attenuation: 69-74% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1010 American Wheat
A strong fermenting, true top cropping yeast that produces a dry, slightly tart, crisp beer. Ideal for beers where low ester profile is desirable.Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 74-78%Temperature Range: 58-74° F (14-23° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: American Wheat or Rye Beer, Cream Ale, Dusseldorf Altbier, Kolsch, Northern German Altbier We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
L17 Harvest - Imperial Yeast
Brewers love this lager yeast strain for its versatility; it will impress you with its ability to ferment pretty much any lager style you throw at it. This great lager strain combines good flocculation characteristics with low sulfur and low diacetyl. Clean fermentations produce amazing bock, helles, pilsner, dunkles, and just about any other lager style you throw its way. Fantastic choice for a house lager strain. Specifications: Temperature Range: 50–60F (10–16C) Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 70-74% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3944 Belgian Witbier
This versatile witbier yeast strain can be used in a variety of Belgian style ales. This strain produces a complex flavor profile dominated by spicy phenolics with low to moderate ester production. It is a great strain choice when you want a delicate clove profile not to be overshadowed by esters. It will ferment fairly dry with a slightly tart finish that compliments the use of oats, malted and unmalted wheat. This strain is a true top cropping yeast requiring full fermenter headspace of 33%. Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 72-76%Temperature Range: 62-75°F, 16-24°CAlcohol Tolerance: 11 to 12% ABV Styles: Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Tripel, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, Witbier We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
3522 Belgian Ardennes
One of the great and versatile strains for the production of classic Belgian style ales. This strain produces a beautiful balance of delicate fruit esters and subtle spicy notes, with neither one dominating. Unlike many other Belgian style strains, this strain is highly flocculent and results in bright beers. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 72-76%Temperature Range: 65-76°F (18-24°C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 12% ABV Styles: Belgian Blond Ale, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Tripel, Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2112 California Lager
This strain is particularly well suited for producing California Common-style beers. It retains lager characteristics at temperatures up to 65°F (18°C) and produces malty, brilliantly clear beers. This strain is not recommended for cold temperature fermentation. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 67-71%Temperature Range: 58-68° F (14-20° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 9% ABV Styles: Baltic Porter, California Common Beer, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Cream Ale, Other Smoked Beer, Premium American Lager, Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2124 Bohemian Lager
This Carlsberg type yeast is the most widely used lager strain in the world. This strain produces a distinct malty profile with some ester character and a crisp finish. A versatile strain, that is great to use with lagers or Pilsners for fermentations in the 45-55°F (8-12°C) range. It may also be used for Common beer production with fermentations at 65-68°F (18-20°C). A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete. Flocculation: Low-MediumAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 45-68°F, 8-22°CAlcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV Styles: Baltic Porter, Biere de Garde, Bohemian Pilsner, Classic American Pilsner, Dark American Lager, Doppelbock, Dortmunder Export, Eisbock, German Pilsner (Pils), Maibock/Helles Bock, Munich Dunkel, Munich Helles, Oktoberfest/Marzen, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Traditional Bock, Vienna Lager We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A44 Kveiking - Imperial Yeast
Blend of 3 kveik strains conquers wort, leaving tropical fruit flavors in its wake. Kveiking [Kuh-vahy-king] noun: A blend of three Kveik strains that can produce an insane amount of pineapple, guava and other exotic tropical fruit aromas. verb: Hopefully not an Old Norse term for an activity we should not be promoting. The Kveiking blend thrives in hot fermentations when big complex ester profiles are desired. A low pitch rate can be used to drive these aromatics even higher but the brewer should ensure this low pitch rate can be combined with a continuously high fermentation temperature. If the temperature drops too low, the corresponding level of attenuation can be low, with high terminal gravities. This blend contains flocculent and non-flocculent yeast strains, therefore the clarity of the final beers produced can be variable. Use this blend for anything from new school hazy IPAs to traditional Norwegian farmhouse brews. The Kveiking blend also works well when fermenting kettle soured worts for a strong tropical fruit character. Specifications: Temperature Range: 75–97F (24–36C) Flocculation: Low Attenuation: 75-85% Alcohol Tolerance: 12% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2007 Pilsen Lager
Wyeast 2007 is the classic American lager strain. This mild, neutral strain produces beers with a nice malty character and a smooth palate. It ferments dry and crisp with minimal sulfur or diacetyl. Beers from this strain exhibit the characteristics of the most popular lager in America. Flocculation: MediumAttenuation: 71-75%Temperature Range: 48-56F, 9-13CAlcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV Styles: Classic American Pilsner, Dark American Lager, German Pilsner (Pils), Lite American Lager, Premium American Lager, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Standard American Lager We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1388 Belgian Strong Ale
The classic choice for brewing golden strong ales. This alcohol tolerant strain will produce a complex ester profile balanced nicely with subtle phenolics. Malt flavors and aromas will remain even with a well attenuated dry, tart finish. This strain is prone to stalling at approximately 1.035; racking or slight aeration will encourage it to finish fermentation. Flocculation: LowAttenuation: 74-78%Temperature Range: 64-80° F (18-27° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 12-13% ABV Styles: Belgian Blond Ale, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Tripel, Biere de Garde, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
G03 Deiter - Imperial Yeast
Traditional Kölsch yeast strain, fairly flocculent and versatile. Dieter is a clean, crisp, traditional German Kölsch strain. A very low ester profile makes this strain perfect for Kölsch, Alt and other light colored delicate beers. Dieter has better flocculation characteristics than most Kölsch strains which allow brewers to produce clean, bright beers in a shorter amount of time. Specifications: Temperature Range: 60–69F (16–21) Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 73-77% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
A31 Tartan - Imperial Yeast
Traditional Scottish brewers yeast strain, well suited for malt forward beers. Tartan is a traditional strain that accentuates the malt character of Scottish and other malt forward styles. But don't put it in a corner, it can also be used for other styles and works well in IPAs due to its clean fermentation character. For a higher ester profile, use this ale yeast at the top end of the temperature range. Specifications: Temperature Range: 65–70F (18–21C) Flocculation: Medium Attenuation: 70-75% Alcohol Tolerance: 10% We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
2206 Bavarian Lager
Used by many German breweries to produce rich, full-bodied, malty beers, this strain is a good choice for bocks and doppelbocks. A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete. Flocculation: Medium-HighAttenuation: 73-77%Temperature Range: 46-58°F (8-14°C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 9% ABV Styles: Classic Rauchbier, Doppelbock, Eisbock, Maibock/Helles Bock, Munich Dunkel, Oktoberfest/Marzen, Schwarzbier (Black Beer), Traditional Bock We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.
1335 British Ale II
A classic British ale profile with good flocculation and malty flavor characteristics. It will finish crisp, clean and fairly dry. Flocculation: HighAttenuation: 73-76%Temperature Range: 63-75° F (17-24° C)Alcohol Tolerance: Approximately 10% ABV Styles: American Brown Ale, Brown Porter, Cream Ale, Dry Stout, English Barleywine, English IPA, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), Foreign Extra Stout, Irish Red Ale, Northern English Brown Ale, Special/Best/Premium Bitter, Standard/Ordinary Bitter We ship all liquid yeast with an ice pack and insulated bubble envelope. Beware that the liquid yeast will not arrive cold even when shipped together. Ice packs and insulated mailing options are designed to keep the yeast colder for longer during shipment, but they will not ensure that your yeast arrives cold. We will not replace liquid yeast that arrives warm. During warmer months we strongly recommend you choose dry yeast.