Dextrose (Corn Sugar)
Pure Dextrose converted from corn starch. 100% fermentable. 55Brix @ 30 Deg. C
$1.99 - $79.99
Lactose is a non-fermentable sugar used to sweeten Brown ales and Stouts. It gives a beer a creamy texture, or "milky" flavor as it is called in some countries. Lactose contains milk.
$4.99 - $17.99
Maltodextrin is used largely in low gravity beers, and is a non-fermentable sugar added to the boil to add body and mouth-feel to the beer. It does not produce any flavors and does not add alcohol to your beer. Add at the same time as other extracts.
$2.80 - $16.99
Carbonation Drops - Mangrove Jack's
For fast, easy bottling. Carbonation Drops take the guess work out of priming your beer and completely replaces priming sugar. Perfect for bottle conditioning. 60 drops per bag.
Rice Syrup Solids
Adds gravity without impacting color or flavor. Lightens body and dries the finish. Use up to 15% for American or Japanese-style light lagers. 1 pound package
Dark Belgian Candi Syrup (D-90)
D-90 candi syrup adds flavors of subtle chocolate, toffee, and toasted bread flavors to your Belgian Brown Ales.One pound of D-90 will add an estimate SRM of 15L to 6 Gallons of wort.Contents: Beet sugar, water.Specifications: SRM - 90 Lovibond, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Amber Candy Sugar
Amber Belgian Candi Sugar is completely fermentable. Candi Sugar helps to maintain the high alcohol content of Belgian Ales without making them overly malty or sweet. 600-700 EBC / 225-263 Lovibond Spec. Gravity = 1.045 1 pound package
Light Candi Sugar
Candi Sugar is refined from sugar beets and completely fermentable. Candi Sugar helps to maintain the high alcohol content of Belgian Ales without making them overly malty or sweet. Great for Tripels and lighter Belgian Ales. 0 EBC / 0 Lovibond. Spec. Gravity = 1.045 1 pound package.
Golden Belgian Candi Syrup
Golden Candi Syrup is a premium rich golden syrup that has no market competitor. Golden is a rich translucent 24 karat gold and adds a pronounced caramel and light fruit palate to award winning authentic Belgian Tripels, Saisons, Golden Ales, and Bier de Garde.One pound of Golden will add an estimate SRM of .75L to 6 Gallons of wort. This is solely used for increasing the gravity and making a more fermentable wort by adding smaller chains of dissolved sugar.Contents:Â Beet sugar, water.Specifications:Â SRM - 5 Lovibond, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Blonde Belgian Candi Syrup
Simplicity is a blond candi syrup made in the USA that is ideal for all Belgian Blonde Ales, Saisons and Belgian Trippels.One pound of Simplicity will add an estimate SRM of .15L to 6 Gallons of wort. This is solely used for increasing the gravity and making a more fermentable wort by adding smaller chains of dissolved sugar.Contents: Beet sugar, water.Specifications: SRM - 1 Lovibond, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Extra Dark Belgian Candi Syrup D-180
D-180 candi syrup is an extra dark Belgian Candi Syrup with hints of fresh ground coffee, dark fruit, and toasted bread that are ideal for all Belgian Dark Ales.One pound of D-180 will add an estimate SRM of 30L to 6 Gallons of wort.Contents: Beet sugar, Date sugar, water.Specifications: SRM - 180 Lovibond, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Amber Belgian Candi Syrup (D-45)
D-45 is a rich translucent amber candi syrup with toffee, vanilla, and toasted flavors. Ideal for all Belgian Amber Ales and of course traditional Belgian Dubbels.One pound of D-45 will add an estimate SRM of 7.5L to 6 Gallons of wort.Contents: Beet sugar, water.Specifications: SRM - 45 Lovibond, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Brewer's Best Carbonation drops
For fast, easy bottling. Carbonation Drops take the guess work out of priming your beer and completely replaces priming sugar. Perfect for bottle conditioning. 9oz bag contains approximately 54 drops per bag.
Blackstrap Molasses - 59lb Pail
Unsulfured and medium-to-dark colored, Blackstrap Molasses is produced during the refining of pure, non-GMO sugar cane as the final by-product of the process. Blackstrap Molasses is premium grade and offers all the flavors, aromas, and color that comes with pure molasses. Use for coloring and flavor of beer or cider, or the foundation of your rum recipe. 59 pound pail
Candi Syrup - D-240
D-240 Candi Syrup is the richest and darkest candi syrup available on the market. Created to have a rich smooth palate, D-240 is a triple-dark syrup with hints of dark raisin, extra dark stone fruit and a roasted dark caramel back-palate. For ales that require full body and indescribable flavor that will set your ales apart.Contents: Beet sugar, Date sugar, water.Specifications: SRM - 240º L, PPG - 1.0321 LB Pouch
Premium Agave Syrup - 55 pounds
Agave is the primary ingredient in tequila and pulque. Agave syrup (sometimes called agave nectar) is the product of harvesting and stripping the piña of a weber blue agave – the only species used to produce authentic tequila in Jalisco, Mexico. The piña is then mashed, cooked, and the sugar syrup is extracted for fermentation. In some cases, agave syrup is augmented by corn sugar - these products are of a lesser price but not a viable alternative to pure blue agave syrup. 100% organic blue agave, non-GMO and allergen-free. 55 pounds