Enoferm Assmanshausen (AMH)™ is a German isolate from the culture collection of the Geiseneheim Research Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology. The long lag time with low-medium fermentation rate, allos some expression of indigenous microflora. If this is not desired, a good rehydration, inoculation and nutrient protocol is essential. Enoferm AMH™ produces low levels of the enzymes responsible for color loss, hence, in combination with the slow fermentation rate, is deemed a color-friendly yeast. Enoferm AMH™ tends to promote fruit and spiciness and is particularly suited for Pinot Noir and Zinfandel.
Microbial and Oenologial Properties
- Red wines only
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. cerevisiae
- Fermentation temperature limits: 20-30° C
- Long lag phase and low fermentation vigour.
- Medium relative nitrogen demand (under controlled laboratory conditions)
- Alcohol tolerance 15% v/v *subject to fermentation conditions
- Low relative potential for SO₂ production
- Low relative potential for H₂S production
- Killer factor sensitive
- Good compatibility with malolactic fermentation
- Low foam producer and settles well to a compact lees
- Seggested varieties - Pinot Noir and Zinfandel
Use at a rate of 1 gram per gallon
8 gram packet